Business Intelligence

Make informed decisions based on data

Every company has data no matter how small they are, every person has data and even appliances now have data. That data is growingly considered to be the most valuable resource on the planet, more so than oil. Business intelligence is about taking that data and telling a story that allows informed operational and strategic decisions to be made. 

Almost all companies have reporting of some kind whether that’s financial reports, service desk reports, marketing reports, etc. What few do though is find the value in the data they hold and use it to their advantage and this is where business intelligence platforms come in.

Business intelligence can take that company data ,add external data sources and help to find correlations and insights to present in easy to consume formats such as report dashboards that allow informed business decisions to be made.

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Business Intelligence Components

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Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence as a Service

We help companies take their existing data, find hidden data, combine external data sources and get them on a path to understanding and utilising their data to their advantage. 

Our service typically starts with a scoping of the existing data and what the ultimate goal is. We’ll then build a date warehouse to combine the different data sources, produce analytics reports and present the information in an easy to use format. 

Our goal though is to help you find out things from your data that you didn’t already know or were not specifically looking for but is highly useful in the decision making processes of your company.

Data Warehouse

Data Warehouse

A data warehouse is a central respository for your different data sources allowing you to store current and historical data in a single place.

Data warehouses are considered a core component of business intelligence and our experience in I.T. systems design means we have knowledge of a variety of platforms including SQL, Oracle, MySQL, etc.

If a data warehouse is not desired we can however combine various data sources and find correlations at the analytics layer instead through different methods.

Power BI Dashboards

Data Analytics

Our choice of product for analytics and reporting is Microsoft Power BI due it’s multitude of data sources and ease of correlating data from different data sources.

Power BI also leverages cognitive services and the AI capabilities of Microsoft Azure which gives it a competitive edge over other BI programs.

We also believe that Power BI offers an end-user experience which allows new users of the product to quickly and easily start producing their own reports and refining existing ones which makes the data more powerful than ever before.

Decision Making

Decision Making

It’s important for us for any client to realise the value of the business intelligence platform that we are creating so we actively assist in creating data driven decisions. 

We’ll help you to understand the analytics and how to adapt and enhance them. Where possible we use natural language queries so that you can type a question of the data and have the answer presented to you.

Ultimately we want to help you to see the value in your data and use that data to tell a story that drives decision making.

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